If you intend to use a different domain for development purposes, see our Staging Sites For Developers guide.
Sub-domains and multisites
A single license of FV Player Pro works for the main domain and all the sub-domains. After purchasing the Pro license, you can either enter the name of the main site (your-site.com) or any sub-site (your-site.com/subsite/ or en.your-site.com) and it will be available for the whole multisite network. To activate it, just enter the license key to each site settings screen of the FV Player.
If you use WP Multisite with domain mapping the plugin should not be Network Activated and each sub-site should have the right license key for its domain entered in Settings -> FV Player Pro. In order to get the updates you will also have to enter the proper license key for the main site.
Note: Unlimited subdomains is fair use. Free support is limited to a single domain. Please see our FV Flowplayer Commercial License for details.
If you are using an installation that involves a single WordPress site which can be accessed on different domains (for instance your-site.com, your-site.de, your-site.es), for technical reasons, you will have to purchase individual licences for each domain. This includes multi-lingual plugins such as WPML. If you have a special situation with lots of translated versions of your site on separate domains, please be in touch. We will work with you to create a fair custom license.
To receive updates for all the domains, you’ll have to enter the domain which you use for wp-admin into your plugin settings. You will also need to use this code (it can be put into theme functions.php or a custom-made plugin used on the website):
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'custom_fv_flowplayer_crossdomain_license', 9999 );
function custom_fv_flowplayer_crossdomain_license() {
if( typeof(flowplayer) != "undefined" ) {
if( location.hostname == "your-domain.de" ){
flowplayer.conf.key = '$1234567890';
} else if( location.hostname == "your-domain.it" ){
flowplayer.conf.key = '$1234567890';
} else if( location.hostname == "your-domain.eu" ){
flowplayer.conf.key = '$1234567890';