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Fullscreen not working on videos. When i click on fullscreen button (on top right), nothing happens.
Could you please help ?Settings attached
Hello Bruno,
You can send it to us via if you don’t want your link to be public.
Thanks for fast response,
JurajHello Bruno,
it works for me on Chrome and Firefox and even Safari (12.1.1) on mac OS 10.12.6.
Please let us know what browser on what operating system you are using. Also test the video on
what do you mean by switch to a different ad ?
I also use WordPress native player and no issue with it. Link >>
Hello Bruno,
We’ve found what’s causing the issue. It does appear when user using adblock access the video. Adblock prevents the ad from appearing but it forces the hidden ad to overlap and block the button. I’ve discussed it with our development team and we think perhaps the solution could be to completely prevent videos from playing when user is using adblock with a message similar to “if you want to watch videos on this website, please turn off adblock”.
What do you think about this solution? Let us know!
JurajHi, and thank you for your reply.
I think most users don’t even know how to disable ad-block. I’ve figured out how to disable it in Safari but not in Chrome. Looks like it’s enabled by default because i never enabled it on my mobile browsers.
No better solution ? Because if the video cannot be played, that’s a big issue for me.Regards
“I don’t think any mainstream browser would come with AdBlock pre-installed”
I’ve just installed Firefox on my iPhone. I did not create a Firefox account to make sure no desktop settings are imported on the mobile version, and i still have the full screen issue…Same on Opera.
Ok, whatever, let me know when you have and update. 60% of my viewers use mobile. So my revenue is really affected by this issue.
i’ve updated FV Player VAST, and issue remains. What did i do wrong ?Regards
Hello Bruno,
when using Chrome mobile I actually got an ad loaded, but it wouldn’t play. Then after reload there was no ad anymore, but the main video wouldn’t play still.
I tried to play the video MP4 file directly from /wp-content/uploads/2020/01/S…-b….-o…-h…-c…-.mp4 but it wouldn’t play for me either. Please use our video checker to make sure the video encoding doesn’t have any issues:
Also, Chrome on Android doesn’t have AdBlock available.
When using Firefox, it worked fine, the fullscreen button. But I got the “Video not properly encoded” when trying to play the video.
But perhaps it’s because I’m using Android 5 on my phone still.
MartinAs shown in screenshot, all my videos are checked and play in all desktop or mobile browsers, but that is not the issue. As i said in previous posts, the issue is with the full screen button. Juraj Kacaba had the same issue on his mobile. I use iOS 13.3 and i have the full screen issue on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera.
Wasn’t the update supposed to fix this ?Regards.
Hi, i’m not sure i understand that AdBlock thing. As i said in previous posts, i NEVER installed AdBlock on any browser. I installed Firefox yesterday and even made sure not to create a Firefox account to make sure that no ad stopping extension is automatically imported from desktop version. And i still have the full screen issue. Please try with an iOS 13.3 device, and let me know what happens.
example link : (redacted)
Hello Bruno,
please try on
I improved the way of how we detect AdBlock on iOS. Although I see there is a slight glitch where you can’t enter the fullscreen mode if you hit the button right after the video stars playing, so I’ll improve that.
I also installed a fresh Firefox on iPad with iOS 13 (.1.3) and the VAST ads in it are working just fine. So I’m not sure what blocking it on your end. Perhaps you have some app installed for that? Let us know what you use.
You can already get a new version from to get this improvement as I haven’t pushed a new version yet.
MartinHi, Martin.
I’ve installed the update. And the issue remains. Screenshot attached. Video link here >> (redacted)
Hello Bruno,
so in your video did you play the video and then tapped that fullscreen button and nothing ever happened?
Then you start scrolling the page and the video stays in a single position and everything scrolls except the video, which can be seen through the player viewport.
That looks like some CSS bug. It seems the video actually is in the fullscreen, but it renders “behind” the website. That would explain why the video doesn’t move as you scroll.
I see it appears for you in both Firefox and Chrome. What Android version you are using? No issues when using Chrome on Android 5.1.1 and 9 on my end.
It seems to me you might be blocking the HTML5 fullscreen feature in your browsers in some way – although at a glance I didn’t find such setting. Please check if you can get the fullscreen to work properly on our homepage video:
But the good news is that it’s not caused by AdBlock anymore.
MartinHi, Martin
Yes, i first tapped the the play button, then the full screen button.
As i said previously, i use iOS 13.3. Don’t know how it behaves on Android.
As i also said previously, i also use another player on my website, actually WordPress native player, and no issue with full screen mode.
See here >> (redacted)Regards
Hello Bruno,
of course it’s iOS, I’m not sure why I haven’t realized that as it’s clearly visible in the video.
I see the issue occurs on iPhone with iOS 13 (Chrome, Safari, …). On iPad it works, but while iPad does support HTML5 fullscreen, iPhone doesn’t. Safari on iOS 13 on iPad is so much more powerful, it even has the same user agent as Safari on desktop.
That’s why most players use the native fullscreen mode on iPhone – including WordPress video player or Video.js.
In FV Player we use an CSS fullscreen mode for iPhones. That lets us put custom subtitles or ads on top of the video. But the downside is that the theme CSS can break it if it uses z-index for parent elements – which is exactly your case. Most websites don’t have this issue.
Please enable Settings -> FV Player -> Mobile Settings -> “Alternative iOS fullscreen mode” and see if your VAST ads still work.
As a second option enable Settings -> FV Player -> Mobile Settings -> “Use native fullscreen on mobile” and again, see if your VAST ads still play.