Foliovision › Forums › FV Player › Troubleshooting › I got a fullscreen bug(maybe) on Mac(10.12.6) safari (Version 10.1.2)
everything is good ,
but, on safari ,when switch to fullscreen ,I got this :
on chrome is fine , on opera is fine ,Firefox is fine toooo….
test link :
can anyone help me to fix this ?thank you !!!!!
why the img didn’t display out ?!
link’s here
as you can see … this is play on chrome … very good
Hi mille,
I’m sorry but I was unable to play your video as the source file seems to be missing. I also wasn’t able to open your screenshots. Could you please send them again?
You can use this web service for sharing screenshots – It doesn’t require any installation or registration.
EduardHi mille,
Are you able to open the fullscreen in Safari in the first video in this demo?
EduardHi mille,
I just realized that some other user has reported a similar issue and we are already working on it, but it will require to upgrade our core engine to Flowplayer 7 and that is scheduled on September.
There is also a chance, that it’s not related to the issue I meant. Could you test this with using one of the default WP themes (for instance Twenty Sixteen)?
Eduardyes .
and more info for you
I find a way to make fullscreen on Mac safari
when click fullscreen button got this
then right click —>inspect element —> got real fullscreen –> close inspect element window^_^
I made a video for you
as you can see another bug ,when fullscreen , the background is white