Foliovision › Forums › FV Player › Troubleshooting › One video plays, other not
Anonymous 14 years, 4 months ago
hello, miabe you guys know what is the problem…same url one player works the other one no,(famous error 200) any idea ?
Hi Arthur,
we investigated the problem you reported, and it seems we have some conflict in javascript when a splash image is used.
To fix your problem immediately, you can download older version of our plugin, and replace the file /flowplayer/flowplayer.min.js with older version of this file.Thanks for reporting this problem,
ZdenkaAnonymous 14 years agoThank you Zdenka, for your quick reply.
this is what i found.
in the html text widget this is the code works for me:[flowplayer src='' width=290 height=170splash='images/boatimage.jpg']
if I put my image and video outside the /videos folder create in the root, it won’t show up.
in the HTML of a single post, the video show up in if it is in a different location of your site, the image no.
So Conclusion, videos and images should alway been stored in and your images in replaced the .js as you told me then put again the last version it seem to works now.
Thanks for your help, will look now about this black line around the player Grrrrr!! :)
ArthurAnonymous 14 years agoHello,
I ve now a comercial version , I tried to replace the two swf they give me, but nothing any other file to change/replace ? (js,php,…)Anonymous 14 years agoThanks for the replay Zdenka,
Yes I inserted the key.
The new licensed player is 3.2.5.the one in the FV comm folder is 3.1.5.If I do a replace, rename ,the player still show up with the watermark.The key work only with 3.2.5.But when I put the 3.2.5 it wont load .I assume there is some file (js or php)that call only the 3.1.5 ?
Basically i can t get load the licensed version 3.2.5.swf
when i look at the source code this is what i ve player will look for the 3.1.5 version,the license won t reconize the 3.1.5, and will work only with 3.2.5
thanks for your help.
Hi Arthur,
ok, so here’s what you can do:
Upload your 3.2.5 version to /flowplayer/commercial/ directory.Then open file /models/flowpayer.php, scroll down to locate the very last function, comment out lines 106-108 (that if .. else), leaving only the last ‘define’, and fill the correct name of your new flowplayer file, so you replace flowplayer.commercial-3.1.5.swf with your new filename flowplayer.3.2.5.swf or something like that. Save the file.
This way the the code certainly takes Flowplayer you specified, and it should work with the license key you entered.
Please let me know how this went.
ZdenkaAnonymous 14 years agoHello Guys, Thanks for your wonderful support and amazing scripts,really.
Zdenka!this was the php file I was looking for!…Now it is ok, it s load the version 3.2.5.
Problem is now(and before) when i insert the license key, the first 2 character are #$ and when i insert the complete key, after update the 2 first character disappear, so license ID won t be recognize.Maybe the text input do not accept those Character?
Thanks again guys really appreciate your effort in this support.
ArthurHi Arthur,
if you want to use relative paths to your videos, they should be placed in the /videos/ directory. The same hold for images.
If you want to reference videos or images with the full path (http://…), you can place them whenever you want.
If you have a license key to the commercial version, you need to include this in the admin section in the wordpress.
Btw. the black border around the video is defined in the css/flowplayer.css on the 6th line.
Hi Arthur,
yes, we actually were stripping of all non alphanumerical characters from the licence key and color names.
I just fixed this bug, so you can download the 1.2.1 version of FV WordPress Flowplayer. If you like to keep what you already changed, just copy the function _set_conf (lines 68-79) from /models/flowplayer.php and paste it into your php file.
We will try to figure out the solution how to make the use of commercial version more user-friendly.
Thank you very much for letting us know about these issues.
ZdenkaAnonymous 14 years agoNo, let me tel you that i m the one who thank you.Flowpayer works only with your plugin in my theme.The other one have some conflict.There was some issues due to a FP update version,not really your fault.You solved my problem in record time.I really appreciate your effort, and that’s why i will look closely to your products. I update the plugin, edit the flowPlayer.js .Everything looks good now.People over FlowPlayer where very helpful too, keeping in mind that they have ton of requests.Zdenka,thanks a lot !
ArthurAnonymous 14 years agoLast thing,
is there a way to delete the color controls for the player ? since I want to load a version of the player with a transparent controlbar,but once on line the it will took the opaque command.Also please provide an email for donations via Paypal.Thanks, ArthurHi Arthur,
well if you want to tinker with colors and opacity, I can direct you to the php file where the properties are set. It is the /models/flowplayer-frontend.php, and the colors are handled around lines 130-150.
The opacity of the whole control bar is set as opacity: 1.0 at line 148.
Please be careful here, and be sure you backup this file before you change anything.Hope this helps,
ZdenkaAnonymous 14 years agoThanks a lot Zdenka,to point me in the right direction.Change was made successfully.:)
I ve a conflict with 2 embeded swf in the home page if embed them in html.
With your plugin, no conflict,but i need to load a different swf,a player without time number due to the size.Is there a way to load an swf, in a place and another in another place with your plugin ?
As always, thanks a lot for you precious help.
ArthurHi Arthur,
I am not sure what exactly you mean, if you are talking about inserting flowplayer somewhere else than in the post content, you might want to read our FAQ How do I insert flowplayer object outside the post, for example to a sidebar?
Anonymous 14 years agoThanks Zdenka,Yes I already insert flowplayer in post and sidebar thanks to your plugin.
The one in the side bar need to load another swf, not the same as the one in the post.(ie,post load 3.2.5.swf,sidebar load 3.2.4.swf)Do you see a possible way for this?(this is due to the fact that the swf in the sidebar will not include the duration numbers, since the size is reduced)
Thanks again,
ArthurHi Arthur,
this one can be done only by inserting the whole javascript into your page. That means no shortcodes, but the script that is being generated – you can have a look in the source code of the page where flowplayer is used.
The path to the swf used is printed there, so you can change it. You can adjust here all parameters separately as well.Zdenka
Anonymous 14 years agoThanks for your reply Zdenka, I just insert a player with no time code(but still have the time rollover)Thanks again for your wonderful support, will come back here for sure.
ArthurHi Zdenka, I must have my mind on stupid this Friday.. I really like flowplayer. I am trying to put it into a sidebar. I read to take the code echo something? its on my notepad into a sidebar. That’s where I am stuck. Into the css? I am using wordpress, I can stick widgets in there. I tried a video box and a video widget plugin , they didn’t work. Could use a little steering on this.. I have the video on the wordpress site so the url is ‘’ Your help is appreciated, Kristina
Anonymous 12 years agoHi Kristina,
If you are using Flowplayer, you can create a text widget and insert the shortcode [flowplayer src=''] into the content of the text widget.