Forum Replies Created
7 years ago in reply to: Skin not working
Hi Eduard,
I do see that part of the code. But what should I do ?
This is the content of the css style:
.flowplayer { border: 1px solid #ff0000 !important; }
.flowplayer { margin: 0 auto 28px auto; display: block; }
.flowplayer.fixed-controls { margin: 0 auto 58px auto; display: block; }
.flowplayer.has-abloop { margin-bottom: 52px; }
.flowplayer.fixed-controls.has-abloop { margin-bottom: 82px; }
.flowplayer.has-caption, flowplayer.has-caption * { margin: 0 auto; }
.flowplayer .fp-controls, .flowplayer .fv-ab-loop, .fv-player-buttons a:active, .fv-player-buttons a { color: #eeeeee !important; background-color: #333333 !important; }
.flowplayer { background-color: #000000 !important; }
.flowplayer .fp-duration, .flowplayer a.fp-play, .flowplayer a.fp-mute { color: #eeeeee !important; }
.flowplayer .fp-elapsed { color: #eeeeee !important; }
.flowplayer .fp-volumelevel { background-color: #3413bb !important; }
.flowplayer .fp-volumeslider, .flowplayer .noUi-background { background-color: #eeeeee !important; }
.flowplayer .fp-timeline { background-color: #666666 !important; }
.flowplayer .fv-ab-loop .noUi-handle { color: #333333 !important; }
.flowplayer .fp-progress, .flowplayer .fv-ab-loop .noUi-connect, .fv-player-buttons a.current { background-color: #3413bb !important; }
.flowplayer .fp-buffer, .flowplayer .fv-ab-loop .noUi-handle { background-color: #eeeeee !important; }
#content .flowplayer, .flowplayer { font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; }
.flowplayer .fp-dropdown { background-color: #3413bb !important }.fvplayer .mejs-container .mejs-controls { background: #333333!important; }
.fvplayer .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current { background: #3413bb!important; }
.fvplayer .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-loaded { background: #eeeeee!important; }
.fvplayer .mejs-horizontal-volume-current { background: #3413bb!important; }
.fvplayer .me-cannotplay span { padding: 5px; }
#content .fvplayer .mejs-container .mejs-controls div { font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; }.wpfp_custom_popup { position: absolute; top: 10%; z-index: 20; text-align: center; width: 100%; color: #fff; }
.wpfp_custom_popup h1, .wpfp_custom_popup h2, .wpfp_custom_popup h3, .wpfp_custom_popup h4 { color: #fff; }
.is-finished .wpfp_custom_background { display: block; }
.fv_player_popup { background: #333333; padding: 1% 5%; width: 65%; margin: 0 auto; }.wpfp_custom_ad { position: absolute; bottom: 10%; z-index: 20; width: 100%; }
.wpfp_custom_ad_content { background: white; margin: 0 auto; position: relative } .wpfp_custom_ad { color: #888888; z-index: 20 !important; }
.wpfp_custom_ad a { color: #ff3333 }.fv-wp-flowplayer-notice-small { color: #eeeeee !important; }
.fvfp_admin_error { color: #eeeeee; }
.fvfp_admin_error a { color: #eeeeee; }
#content .fvfp_admin_error a { color: #eeeeee; }
.fvfp_admin_error_content { background: #333333; opacity:0.75;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=75); }.fp-playlist-external > a > span { background-color:#808080; }
.fp-playlist-external > > span { border-color:#bb0000; }
.fp-playlist-external.fv-playlist-design-2014,.fp-playlist-external.fv-playlist-design-2014 h4,.fp-playlist-external.fp-playlist-only-captions,.fp-playlist-external.fv-playlist-design-2014 h4, .fp-playlist-external.fp-playlist-only-captions h4 { color:#bb0000; }
.fp-playlist-vertical { background-color:#808080; }.flowplayer .fp-subtitle span.fp-subtitle-line { font-size: 16px; } .flowplayer .fp-subtitle span.fp-subtitle-line { font-family: inherit; } .flowplayer .fp-logo { bottom: 30px; left: 15px }
.flowplayer .fp-subtitle span.fp-subtitle-line { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5); }7 years ago in reply to: Skin not working