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This is what is posted in the inspector:
<div id="wpfp_6f0cc3c14daae73104fd6ec5d835d220" class="flowplayer no-brand is-splash fvp-play-buttonfp-player-mobile is-fv-narrow is-paused is-mouseout" style="max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; background-image: url(""); height: 522px;" data-analytics="UA-110189883-1" data-ad_show_after="20" itemprop="video" itemscope="" itemtype="" data-flowplayer-instance-id="0"><div class="fp-ratio" style="padding-top: 56.25%;"></div><div class="fp-player"><div class="fp-playlist"></div><meta itemprop="name" content="World Entering Period of Multipolarity – Nuclear War, Climate Change Among Top 2018 Global Concerns"><meta itemprop="description" content="Last year the World Economic Forum called for an urgent […]"><meta itemprop="thumbnailUrl" content=""><meta itemprop="contentURL" content=""><meta itemprop="uploadDate" content="2018-01-26"><div class="fp-ui"> <div class="fp-waiting">
I have found what is causing the black boxes. It’s the ratio.
<div class=”fp-ratio” style=”padding-top: 56.25%;”></div>How can I change this?
7 years ago in reply to: Video Ads not loading correctlyVideos ads have been fixed by updating plugin and deleting all old ads and creating new ones.
7 years ago in reply to: Video Ads not loading correctlyThank you Eduard! I have gone ahead and updated to the latest version, however, the video ads still are not able to load.
Nate7 years ago in reply to: Updated to lastest version broke pageFixed by “Disable saving of color settings into a static file.” Never have had to utilize this setting before but maybe there is an issue with Newspaper and W3 total cache
7 years ago in reply to: Video Ads not loading correctlyFor some reason my account is not allowing me to download the latest version of the plugin. It says I need to renew, but i was unaware there was a renewal? I’ve been a fvplayer pro user since 2015 and have never seen a renewal, is that new?
Nate7 years ago in reply to: Video Ads not loading correctly7 years ago in reply to: Video Ads not loading correctlyAfter messing around with it a bit, it’s got something to do with the playlist.
Horizontal: Doesn’t load ad but loads ad link
Tabs: Doesn’t load ad or link at all
Prev/Next: Dosen’t load ad but loads ad link
Vertical: Doesn’t load ad but loads ad link
Slider: Doesn’t load ad but loads ad linkHello again! Well good news is that the app has been released so you can see what I am talking about by downloading it. We are on version 0.01 and it’s going to be a road to 1.0 but for now the video player is being requested through Iframe and when the iframe is requested we still get the two black boxes one on top and one on bottom. In addition, the full screen doesn’t work, but the player plays which is really good news!
To download: I noticed is that when you turn the phone sideways the css malfunction corrects itself and plays correctly. The only issue is when you see the player in a vertical manner.
Hello Martin, so basically when I purchased the plugin for the mobile app it came with both a functional plugin which grabs the files and posts and then a theme which is deactivated but utilized specifically for the mobile app.
The theme gets activated only from the mobile app and its a typical wordpress theme, obviously only built for mobile display though.
About the request for screen default, I think we will have to wait until I publish the app to make an adjustment because the preview app that I am currently using is, i think, only requesting the desktop browser size because even youtube videos display funny.
I placed the Java and CSS files directly into the theme files and then placed the Java into the folder that we talked about earlier for custom Java.
So I am just finishing up the app for beta and then i’ll submit it to google and we should be able to debug more from there. Martin you have been an incredible help!
Hey Martin to respond to your question I asked the same thing how can I hook the files, here is what the dev sent me.
“Hi Nate,
You can learn about enqueuing files/code to the header here and here.”The links are: again! I actually have figured it out.
So there is a setting in the FV Player settings that sets the default player size, ours is set to 100% width x 600 height. As I change this setting it changes the entirety of the player.
If I set 250 for height it looks correct! However, when I adjust this setting it also changes the player size on desktop and when it replaces the wordpress player.
See here:
(Just a side note I have changed the setting back so you’ll have to see the attached screen shot.)
How can I go about setting this once for default and another for mobile etc?In addition, and I think this maybe java, the full screen option is failing to work on the preview app but there are too many variables to debug I need to see the app finished to further detail what exactly is causing the error. I added all java files to the theme folder of the respective mobile app, but I need a function to hook them in, which we can fix later if it is still an error.
Hey Alec, I am so sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Things have been quite crazy with the Holidays. That all sounds good to me, the only thing is, almost all of our reports (posts) use at least one instance of the player. I look forward to the rest api package from Martin!
Thank you so much and hope you had a good holiday!
NateHello again Martin is this the correct html to copy? I’m still working on the CSS additions you mentioned. Thank you so much for your help!!!
<![CDATA[*/var fv_flowplayer_conf={"fullscreen":"1","swf":"\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/fv-wordpress-flowplayer\/flowplayer\/flowplayer.swf?ver=6.3.10","swfHls":"\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/fv-wordpress-flowplayer\/flowplayer\/flowplayerhls.swf?ver=6.3.10","embed":{"library":"\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/fv-wordpress-flowplayer\/flowplayer\/fv-flowplayer.min.js","script":"\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/fv-wordpress-flowplayer\/flowplayer\/embed.min.js","skin":"\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/fv-wordpress-flowplayer\/css\/flowplayer.css","swf":"\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/fv-wordpress-flowplayer\/flowplayer\/flowplayer.swf?ver=6.3.10","swfHls":"\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/fv-wordpress-flowplayer\/flowplayer\/flowplayerhls.swf?ver=6.3.10"},"speeds":[0.25,0.5,0.75,1,1.25,1.5,1.75,2],"video_hash_links":"","key":"$116471958910365","safety_resize":"1","logo":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/10\/Christian-Journal-Logo-video.png","volume":"1","mobile_native_fullscreen":"","mobile_force_fullscreen":""};var fv_flowplayer_translations={"0":"","1":"Video loading aborted","2":"Network error","3":"Video not properly encoded","4":"Video file not found","5":"Unsupported video","6":"Skin not found","7":"SWF file not found","8":"Subtitles not found","9":"Invalid RTMP URL","10":"Unsupported video format. Try installing Adobe Flash.","11":"Click to watch the video","12":"[This post contains video, click to play]","video_expired":"<h2>Video file expired.<br \/>Please reload the page and play it again.<\/h2>","unsupported_format":"<h2>Unsupported video format.<br \/>Please use a Flash compatible device.<\/h2>","mobile_browser_detected_1":"Mobile browser detected, serving low bandwidth video.","mobile_browser_detected_2":"Click here","mobile_browser_detected_3":"for full quality.","live_stream_failed":"<h2>Live stream load failed.<\/h2><h3>Please try again later, perhaps the stream is currently offline.<\/h3>","live_stream_failed_2":"<h2>Live stream load failed.<\/h2><h3>Please try again later, perhaps the stream is currently offline.<\/h3>","what_is_wrong":"Please tell us what is wrong :","full_sentence":"Please give us more information (a full sentence) so we can help you better","error_JSON":"Admin: Error parsing JSON","no_support_IE9":"Admin: Video checker doesn't support IE 9.","check_failed":"Admin: Check failed.","playlist_current":"Now Playing","video_issues":"Video Issues","link_copied":"Video Link Copied to Clipboard","embed_copied":"Embed Code Copied to Clipboard","subtitles_disabled":"Subtitles disabled","subtitles_switched":"Subtitles switched to ","warning_iphone_subs":"This video has subtitles, that are not supported on your device.","warning_unstable_android":"You are using an old Android device. If you experience issues with the video please use Firefox<\/a>. Why?<\/a>","warning_old_safari":"You are using an old Safari browser. If you experience issues with the video please use Firefox<\/a> or other modern browser. Why?<\/a>"};var fv_fp_ajaxurl="https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php";var fv_flowplayer_playlists=[];var fv_flowplayer_ad={"wpfp_f36494e1c64f679aabf6832b9723fb25":{"html":"<div class='wpfp_custom_ad_content' style='width: 100%; height: ; display:block;'>\n\t\t<div class='fv_fp_close'><\/a><\/div>\n\t\t\t<script async src=\"\/\/\/pagead\/js\/adsbygoogle.js\"><\/script>\r\n<!-- responsive google ad -->\r\n<ins class=\"adsbygoogle\"\r\n style=\"display:block\"\r\n data-ad-client=\"ca-pub-9444855906373320\"\r\n data-ad-slot=\"8961221893\"\r\n data-ad-format=\"auto\"><\/ins>\r\n<script>\r\n(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});\r\n<\/script>\n\t\t<\/div>","width":"100%","height":""}};/*]]>*/</script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type='text/javascript'>/*<![CDATA[*/var fv_player_pro={"ajaxurl":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","autoplay_once":"","chapters":[],"cloudfront":[""],"debug":"","lightbox_images":"","playlist":[],"start_end":[],"video_ads":{"wpfp_f36494e1c64f679aabf6832b9723fb25":[]},"youtube":"","video_ads_skip":"0"};var fv_player_pro_js_translations={"ad_duration":"This ad will end in 0 seconds","invalid_youtube":"Invalid Youtube video ID.","reload_page":"Please reload the page and try again.","reload_page_later":"Please reload the page and try again in a couple of minutes. ","required_type":"Couldn't find the required video type","skip_ad":"Skip","video_decryption_e":"Flash: Video Decryption Error.","video_expired":"Video file expired.<br \/>Please reload the page and play it again.","video_loaded":"Video loaded, click to play."};/*]]>*/</script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type='text/javascript'>var fv_player_lightbox={"lightbox_images":"1"};</script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>I added the script tag to the header of the application, is that correct? I at least can now see functionality for full screen and such but the player still is encompassed in massive black spaces on top and bottom, is that correctable? Or is that because of the iframe loaded through the app?
Hey Martin, sorry for not answering the question we use vimeo pro so mp4 and sometimes youtube videos.
Can you tell me what I should upload into the custom javascript section, that may work… I have asked them for further help on it, waiting a response.
thank you so much for your help!
nateHello again, you guessed it the only thing loaded is the content. Footer, Sidebar, Header all gone. We are using this:
The docs are under resources.
and here is our API:
Plus here is the other API we are using for podcasts:
Also they use this:,
I used the default video url and the embed code.
The default was used on the one where the video did display, the player just doesn’t look normal.
The test page is where I added the embed code.
The page that says Video: Jesus Light of the World is where the player just added words over the image.
I added snapshots so you can see from the backend of the mobile app creator.
The problem is we use fv player to override the default wordpress player and a podcast plugin to use custom meta to add the video to our podcast playlist type I added an image of that as well.Hello Martin,
After attempting to load the video using iframe it proved to be unsuccessful. Is there a way to load the Java in the app?8 years ago in reply to: Video player for FacebookThis is an awesome feature any chance you can include it into the shortcode editor we have some videos we want to share and others we don’t.. Otherwise this feature is incredibly amazing being that we upload to facebook, youtube, spreaker, vimeo and other platforms – you just cut time off my workflow and I am very greatful.
Amp really is a moving target.
No – I am following no site at all, I am completely shooting in the dark with this one.
I have no idea of the requirements or anything of that nature – where that came from is forums stating that they had validation errors, and basically it was showing up in their google webmaster – which in the google webmaster there is a “nefarious” warning that if there are errors, your pages might not display correctly, and or google wouldn’t use them.
See to me its BS that they are validating some scripts but not others, seems “censorshipy”
I did notice that the videos were playing which is really all that matters to me, but because of google I thought I might just ask and see if you guys were working on it at all, because I wanted to offer it to our users.8 years ago in reply to: A bit of feedback for the FV team8 years ago in reply to: Playlists AutomationHey Martin and Alec,
Alec – I totally agree!
You guys have done a wonderful job with the player and I know that whatever you come up with it’ll be awesome!!
Nate9 years ago in reply to: Playlists AutomationHello!
Thanks for getting back to me, yeah that would be pretty cool!
I see what your saying an I totally agree, it would be nice if people read more of the article that went with each individual post. However, I still think to even top that it would be down right fantastic if there was a way as well as the play next option to be able to have a page which displayed all the videos of a certain tag or category, and then each one could be played if clicked – but to add to it, it would be cool to add a read more link as well.So to sum it up, the play list would be the tag or category;
if applicable, the player could go to the next video through a “next button”
in addition to the next button it could also house a button that says read more as well.
upon clicking read more the the page reloads and goes to the article tied to the video.Let me know what you think, and I am sure that whatever you guys can do would be awesome for everybody!!
Nate9 years ago in reply to: Playlists AutomationSorry!
I keep thinking about it! Maybe this is a better explanation.
-So first like each playlist could be a custom post type or custom taximony
-Then when I am writing the actual post, I could like check a box that would save the video url to that playlist (upon saving draft or publishing)
-And then I could choose to display the playlist or not via the shortcode insert-er.
Does that make sense?
Thanks!! Hope that helps!
Nate9 years ago in reply to: Playlists AutomationHello!
No worries, hope your vacation was swell!
Actually I mean sort of like a master playlist – where as lets say I have 20 videos and I add to those videos daily; if I wanted to display all of those videos in a playlist I would have to (currently) first of all, go find all of the video files and urls and then add them in each day.What I was looking for basically was functionality that would allow me to just keep adding to the video playlist each day, and display the playlist when I post the video player. So yes sort of a master playlist with a twist.
Instead of only one master playlist I could add each video to the playlist of my choosing, and when I post a video I can choose the playlist that I would like to add to the video plus vise versa.
I hope that makes sense. The best way I can explain it is sort of like youtube, where you can add a video to a playlist you created and as the video ends often it will go to the next video.
I think that would take your plugin to the next level for people like me because we have a fairly large site.
I have over 100,000 subs on youtube and I post sometimes 8 videos a day – now, I am trying to reel in those subs to my website and migrate off of youtube; but I need the video player to do the same thing as it did on youtube or similarly. As I said previously your plugin has revolutionized my website and I can’t thank you enough for making it affordable for everyone because it is really setting the stage for the next phase of our business!
I’m getting a bit dreamy here but it would be so cool if I could create a page and place an fv shortcode on it that would display all of the videos used by the plugin or the selected playlist.
The reason I said that is because our subscribers like to watch for hours and often times they will not click the skip button or pause button until the end of a playlist.
Let me know what you think, I would be so greatful if you can come up with something like this, the best example I can give you right now is the functionality that is already within our website (but its far to slow because it loads each post instead of just calling a video file):
Let me know what you think I really do look forward to your response!
Thank you for your time, and again for your amazing plugin!!