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4 years ago in reply to: Trouble with youtube performance4 years ago in reply to: Trouble with youtube performance
Thanks for your answer. I did it. But result is the same. After 30-40 seconds playing video doesnt work well.
4 years ago in reply to: Trouble with youtube performanceHello. Thanks for your answer. I updated the license but it doesnt help. The issue is the same.
I started the video push the pause button and wait from 20 to 30 seconds. And the error begins. Its not nessesary to pause the video. It may works 30 seconds and get error again.
Here is the screencast of error –
Here is my site example page – Begin System Info ### ## Please include this information when posting support requests ## Multisite: No SITE_URL: HOME_URL: Plugin URL: FV Player version: FV Player core version: 7.2.7 FV Player license: Valid (next check 2020-12-02 14:16:33 GMT) FV Player Pro version: FV Player Pro license: Valid (next check 2020-12-02 14:16:32 GMT) WordPress Version: 5.5.3 Permalink Structure: /%postname%/ Active Theme: BuddyBoss Theme 1.6.0 Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.66 Safari/537.36 PHP Version: 7.4.11 MySQL Version: 5.5.5 Web Server Info: nginx/1.18.0 WordPress Memory Limit: 40M PHP Memory Limit: 256M PHP Upload Max Size: 50M PHP Post Max Size: 50M PHP Upload Max Filesize: 50M PHP Time Limit: 300 PHP Max Input Vars: 3000 PHP Arg Separator: & PHP Allow URL File Open: Yes WP_DEBUG: Disabled DISPLAY ERRORS: On (off) cURL: Your server supports cURL. ACTIVE PLUGINS: BuddyBoss Platform: BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro: 1.2.3 FV Player: FV Player Pro: Hide Title: 1.0.8 Jetpack by 9.0.2 LearnDash LMS: Real Media Library: 4.10.0 UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: Users Insights: 3.9.2 WishList Member™: 3.7.7338 Wordfence Security: 7.4.12 WP Mail SMTP Pro: 2.5.0 WP Tao: 1.2.10 WP Translitera: p1.2.5 SETTINGS Array ( [nag_fv_player_7] => 1 [notice_new_lightbox] => 1 [notice_db] => 1 [notice_xml_sitemap_iframes] => 1 [autoplay] => false [googleanalytics] => [chromecast] => true [key] => (redacted) [logo] => [rtmp] => [auto_buffering] => false [disableembedding] => true [disablesharing] => true [disable_video_hash_links] => true [popupbox] => false [allowfullscreen] => true [allowuploads] => true [postthumbnail] => false [tgt] => backgroundcolor [backgroundColor] => #333333 [canvas] => #000000 [sliderColor] => #ffffff [durationColor] => #eeeeee [timeColor] => #eeeeee [progressColor] => #bb0000 [bufferColor] => #eeeeee [timelineColor] => #666666 [borderColor] => #666666 [hasBorder] => false [adTextColor] => #888888 [adLinksColor] => #ff3333 [subtitleBgColor] => rgba(0,0,0,0.50) [subtitleSize] => 16 [playlistBgColor] => #808080 [playlistFontColor] => # [playlistSelectedColor] => #bb0000 [logoPosition] => bottom-left [parse_commas] => false [width] => 640 [height] => 360 [engine] => false [font-face] => Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif [ad] => [ad_width] => 0 [ad_height] => 0 [ad_css] => .wpfp_custom_ad { position: absolute; bottom: 10%; z-index: 20; width: 100%; } .wpfp_custom_ad_content { background: white; margin: 0 auto; position: relative } [ad_show_after] => 0 [disable_videochecker] => true [interface] => Array ( [ads] => false [align] => false [autoplay] => false [controlbar] => false [embed] => false [mobile] => false [playlist_advance] => false [playlist] => false [playlist_captions] => false [share] => false [speed] => true [splash_text] => false [subtitles] => false [sticky] => false [synopsis] => false [end_actions] => false [lightbox] => false [ab] => false [popup] => true ) [amazon_bucket] => Array ( [0] => ) [amazon_key] => (redacted, 1) [amazon_secret] => (redacted, 1) [amazon_region] => Array ( [0] => ) [amazon_expire] => 5 [amazon_expire_force] => false [fixed_size] => false [js-everywhere] => false [marginBottom] => 28 [ui_play_button] => true [volume] => 0.7 [player-position] => [playlist_advance] => true [sharing_email_text] => Check out the amazing video here [liststyle] => horizontal [ui_speed_increment] => 0.5 [popups_default] => no [email_lists] => Array ( [#fv_list_dummy_key#] => Array ( [title] => [description] => [first_name] => 0 [last_name] => 0 [disabled] => 0 ) [0] => Array ( [title] => [description] => [first_name] => 0 [last_name] => 0 [disabled] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [title] => Subscribe to list one [description] => Two good reasons to subscribe right now [first_name] => 1 [last_name] => 0 [disabled] => 0 ) ) [sticky_video] => false [sticky_place] => right-bottom [sticky_width] => 380 [playlist-design] => 2017 [skin-slim] => Array ( [progressColor] => #bb0000 [accent] => #4682B4 ) [skin-youtuby] => Array ( [progressColor] => #bb0000 [accent] => #4682B4 ) [skin-custom] => Array ( [hasBorder] => false [bottom-fs] => false [borderColor] => #666666 [marginBottom] => 2.8 [bufferColor] => #eeeeee [canvas] => #000000 [backgroundColor] => rgba(51,51,51,1.00) [font-face] => Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif [player-position] => [progressColor] => #bb0000 [timeColor] => #eeeeee [durationColor] => #eeeeee [design-timeline] => [design-icons] => [accent] => #4682B4 ) [skin] => slim [hlsjs] => true [lightbox_images] => false [lightbox_improve_galleries] => false [mailchimp_api] => [mailchimp_list] => [mailchimp_label] => Subscribe for updates [version] => [css_writeout-https-kursi-club] => [pro] => Array ( [quality] => , [transcript_theme] => light [video_ads_default] => no [video_ads_postroll_default] => no [video_ads_skip] => 5 [video_ads_skip_minimum] => 10 [watching_prompt_msg] => Вы еще здесь? Если да, пошевелите мышью :) [interface] => Array ( [chapters] => false [copy_text] => false [hflip] => false ) [autoplay_once] => false [start_end] => false [autoplay_scroll] => false [ab_loop] => false [vimeo_debug] => true [copy_text] => false [copy_text_time] => 5 [watching_prompt] => false [watching_prompt_interval] => 1 [transcript_hidden] => false [download_template] => %caption% [download_no_right_click] => false [vimeo] => false [yt_logo] => true [youtube_ads_disable] => true [youtube_key] => (redacted) [amazon_s3] => false [cf_domain] => [cf_key_id] => [cf_pk] => [elastic_key] => [elastic_secret] => [elastic_region] => [bunnycdn_domain] => [bunnycdn_secure_token] => (redacted) [keycdn_domain] => [keycdn_secure_token] => (redacted) [stackpath_domain] => [stackpath_secure_token] => (redacted) [ads_exoclick_zone] => [ads_exoclick_login] => [ads_exoclick_cat] => [ads_exoclick_site] => [video_ads_between_vids] => false [video_ads_once] => false [video_ads] => Array ( ) [autoplay_scroll_enhanced] => false [cloudflare_domain] => [cloudflare_secure_token] => (redacted) [stream_loader_on] => false [stream_loader_speed_up] => false [display_preset] => flash [separate_subtitle_disabling] => false ) [video_model_db_checked] => [video_meta_model_db_checked] => [player_model_db_checked] => [fv-wp-flowplayer-submit] => SaveAllChanges [show_controlbar] => false [hd_streaming] => false [multiple_playback] => false [ui_no_picture_button] => false [ui_repeat_button] => false [ui_rewind_button] => false [ui_speed] => true [splash] => [subtitleOn] => false [video_position_save_enable] => true [integrations] => Array ( [featured_img] => false [wp_core_video] => true [facebook_sharing] => false [schema_org] => false ) [css_disable] => true [profile_videos_enable_bio] => false [parse_comments] => false [rtmp-live-buffer] => false [db_duration] => false [lightbox_force] => false [mobile_native_fullscreen] => true [mobile_force_fullscreen] => true [mobile_alternative_fullscreen] => true [mobile_landscape_fullscreen] => true [video_sitemap] => false [video_sitemap_meta] => [fv_player_admin_pro_quality_alive] => 1 [playlistFontColor-proxy] => # 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